DBYS Night Walk with Jesus

The darkness of midnight was illuminated by the light of faith as 64 young people gathered on a night-long spiritual journey called ‘A Night Walk with Jesus’ organized by Don Bosco Youth Services, Mumbai, at Don Bosco, Karjat, on 24 February 2023.

This night vigil of devotion gave the youth an opportunity to spend a lot of time with Jesus after their busy week. At Karjat, Fr Brian Buthello extended a warm welcome to the youngsters and gave them an overview of the various works happening at Don Bosco, Karjat. 

The night began with an animated rosary service conducted by the youth at the Rosary Garden, which is located adjacent to the Way of the Cross. Each mystery was followed by a reflective question. For the Way of the Cross, the youth had a brief moment of silence before each station so that they could reflect on the Lord’s Passion and also on their own lives. Some of the young people even volunteered to carry the many live size wooden crosses, nails, and crown of thorns as they made their way up the mountain.

Ms Drushti Bhosle, one of the youth participants said: “I was very exhausted that entire week and felt like I couldn’t make it for the Night walk, but somewhere I felt like God was calling me for it and I went. The experience was worth everything.”

After the Stations of the Cross, the youth participated in the Holy Eucharist on top of the mountain. Fr Bosco Carvalho was the principal celebrant. In his homily, he spoke of the event of the  transfiguration of the Lord and how the disciples found it good to be there on the mountain. Likewise, he said, it is good for them to have journeyed with Jesus up the mountain, and while we carry our cross, the cross carries us.

The Night Walk with Jesus was a moving and meaningful event for the youth who participated with devotion, and this offered them a chance to deepen their faith and connect with the Lord in this season of Lent.