DBITI Leadership Camp

Don Bosco Industrial Training Institute (DBITI), Kurla, recently organised a three-day leadership camp for class leaders and other trainees from 12 to 14 October 2023 at the scenic Don Bosco, Karjat. A total of 42 trainees from various trades at DBITI participated in this transformative event, meticulously planned by Mr Royal D’Souza.

Preparation for the camp began well in advance, ensuring that every detail was fine-tuned for a successful and enriching experience. At around 10 a.m. the group arrived at Karjat railway station and was transported to Don Bosco, Karjat. Upon arrival, they were allocated dormitories and treated to refreshments.

The camp’s first session commenced with Mr D’Souza outlining the three-day schedule, followed by a brief address from Fr Charles Anthony. Subsequently, the trainees were given instructions and divided into groups, each tasked with taking on specific responsibilities for the camp.

The day was filled with activities that emphasised the importance of being both physically and mentally present and highlighted the significance of teamwork, focus, and attention. The first day concluded with a meditation session, feedback sharing, and an engaging cultural event.

The second day commenced with an early morning trek to a hilltop. Following breakfast, they engaged in outdoor activities that emphasised communication, planning, strategy, coordination, and effective team management, all essential skills for a great leader. The post-lunch session welcomed Mr Amarr Prabhu, Principal of DBITI, who conducted an activity to inspire trainees to set personal and team targets and push themselves to achieve more.

The evening session was particularly memorable as trainees worked in groups to prepare dishes of their choice, using ingredients from allocated budgets. The result was a delightful spread of dishes. 

On the last day, a Thanksgiving Mass, led by Fr Anthony Santarita, was attended by trainees of various faiths. Post-breakfast, the trainees gathered to express their gratitude to the Salesians and housekeeping staff who contributed to the success of the camp. The camp undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the trainees, shaping them into future leaders who will carry forward the values of teamwork, excellence, and commitment.

Sacred Heart Youth with Jesus on the Mount

A one-day Lenten pilgrimage program was organised for the youth and altar servers of Sacred Heart Parish, Yerwada, on 4 March 2023 at Don Bosco Yuva Sanstha, Karjat. Fr Evangelo D’Souza, the Youth Director, co- ordinated the event along with the core-committee of the youth group. 

The pilgrims set off on their journey to Karjat from Yerwada at 6.15 a.m., and throughout the journey, they prayed and sang praises. The people were warmly welcomed as they entered the premises of Don Bosoc Yuva Sanstha, Karjat. After a light breakfast, Fr Brian Boothello oriented the parishioners about the Salesian works at Karjat. Fr D’Souza exhorted each one to put their intentions before the Lord and make a meaningful Way of the Cross. 

The youth and altar servers along with their parents made the Way of the Cross as they challenged themselves through the mountainous trek. It helped them to recall the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. The stations were recited alternatively in English and Marathi. Each one took turns to hold a wooden cross and wear ‘crowns of thorns’. This helped them to experience a bit of the pain that Jesus underwent. The climb got tougher with each station, but with solid determination and enthusiasm everyone completed the climb including small children and the elderly. The Stations of the Cross was prayed meaningfully with song and prayer. 

After making a meaningful Way of the Cross, Fr D’Souza celebrated the Holy Eucharist. In his homily, he highlighted that bearing little inconveniences in life and making small sacrifices helps us to resonate with the sufferings of Jesus on Calvary. He exhorted the youth and the adults to witness Jesus by a life of sacrifice. 

In the afternoon, after their meal, everyone enjoyed fun and games. This grabbed the attention of all and it brought out the family spirit among the parishioners. At around 3 p.m., Fr D’Souza thanked Fr Anthony Santarita, the Rector, for the warm hospitality that they had enjoyed at Karjat. Mr Dilip Ghute, a parent, expressed his appreciation for the Fathers, and strongly mentioned that we need to be grateful to priests for the sacrifice they make in bringing people closer to God.

DBYS Night Walk with Jesus

The darkness of midnight was illuminated by the light of faith as 64 young people gathered on a night-long spiritual journey called ‘A Night Walk with Jesus’ organized by Don Bosco Youth Services, Mumbai, at Don Bosco, Karjat, on 24 February 2023.

This night vigil of devotion gave the youth an opportunity to spend a lot of time with Jesus after their busy week. At Karjat, Fr Brian Buthello extended a warm welcome to the youngsters and gave them an overview of the various works happening at Don Bosco, Karjat. 

The night began with an animated rosary service conducted by the youth at the Rosary Garden, which is located adjacent to the Way of the Cross. Each mystery was followed by a reflective question. For the Way of the Cross, the youth had a brief moment of silence before each station so that they could reflect on the Lord’s Passion and also on their own lives. Some of the young people even volunteered to carry the many live size wooden crosses, nails, and crown of thorns as they made their way up the mountain.

Ms Drushti Bhosle, one of the youth participants said: “I was very exhausted that entire week and felt like I couldn’t make it for the Night walk, but somewhere I felt like God was calling me for it and I went. The experience was worth everything.”

After the Stations of the Cross, the youth participated in the Holy Eucharist on top of the mountain. Fr Bosco Carvalho was the principal celebrant. In his homily, he spoke of the event of the  transfiguration of the Lord and how the disciples found it good to be there on the mountain. Likewise, he said, it is good for them to have journeyed with Jesus up the mountain, and while we carry our cross, the cross carries us.

The Night Walk with Jesus was a moving and meaningful event for the youth who participated with devotion, and this offered them a chance to deepen their faith and connect with the Lord in this season of Lent.